SolverStudio supports a number of modelling languages. The following pages provide language-specific assistance.
SolverStudio and PuLP: Use the Python PuLP modelling language
SolverStudio and Gurobi: Use Gurobi’s Python modelling language
SolverStudio and AMPL and SolverStudio and NEOS: Solve AMPL models on your computer or in the NEOS cloud
SolverStudio and GMPL: Solve models using the open-source AMPL-like GMPL modelling language
SolverStudio and GAMS and SolverStudio and NEOS: Use the GAMS modelling language to solve models on your computer or in the NEOS cloud
SolverStudio and COOPR/Pyomo: Use the COOPR/Pyomo modelling language